.. Copyright (C) 2014 Champs Libres Cooperative SCRLFS Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". Messages to users, flashbags and buttons **************************************** .. _flashbags : Flashbags ========== The four following levels are defined : +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Key |Intent | +===========+==============================================================================================+ |alert |A message not linked with the user action, but which should require an action or a | | |correction. | +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |success |The user action succeeds. | +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |notice |A simple message to give information to the user. The message may be linked or not linked with| | |the user action. | +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |warning |A message linked with an action, the user should correct. | +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |error |The user's action failed: he must correct something to process the action. | +-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. seealso:: `Flash Messages on Symfony documentation `_ Learn how to use flash messages in controller. Buttons ======== Some actions are available to decorate ``a`` links and ``buttons``. To add the action on button, use them as class along with ``sc-button`` : .. code-block:: html Create an entity +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Action | Class | Description | +===========+================+==============================================================================+ | Submit | ``bt-submit`` | Submit a form. Use only if action is not "save". | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Create | ``bt-create`` | - Link to a form to create an entity (alias: ``bt-new``) | | | or ``bt-new`` | - Submitting this form will create a new entity | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Reset | ``bt-reset`` | Reset a form | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Delete | ``bt-delete`` | - Link to a form to delete an entity | | | | - Submitting this form will remove the entity | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Edit | ``bt-edit`` or | Link to a form to edit an entity | | | ``bt-update`` | | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Save | ``bt-save`` | Submitting this form will save change on the entity | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Action | ``bt-action`` | Generic link to an action | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cancel | ``bt-cancel`` | Cancel an action and go back to another page | +-----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Styling buttons --------------- Small buttons, mainly to use inline .. code-block:: html

You button

You can omit content and show a button with an icon only : .. code-block:: html You can hide content and show it only on hover .. code-block:: html Showed when mouse pass on You can customize the icon : .. code-block:: html Button with custom icon Grouping buttons ---------------- Grouping buttons can be done using ``ul.record_actions`` element (an ``ul`` list with class ``record_actions``): .. code-block:: html The element with the ``cancel`` class will be set in first position. Inside table, the space between elements will be shorter. You can add the class ``record_actions_small`` if you want shorter space between elements.